    From £16.49
    • Fast acting relief from breathing problems
    • Opens breathing passages
    • Used to treat asthma and COPD
    Updated at: January 29, 20254 min read

    Is it possible to buy Ventolin (Salbutamol) on a subscription basis?

    Is it possible to buy Ventolin (Salbutamol) on a subscription basis?

    Looking to purchase Ventolin (Salbutamol) inhalers online on a subscription service. By doing this, you can ensure that you will always have the medication you need when you need it. Finding a subscription for Ventolin is easy, we have one you can take out at UK Meds with UK Meds Plus. In this article, we will explore this subscription service, looking at how much it costs, the benefits of taking out a subscription with UK Meds Plus, as well as a comparison between UK Meds Ventolin subscriptions and Daily Chemist’s Ventolin subscriptions. 

    A lady taking a pump of the blue asthma inhaler, Ventolin (salbutamol)

    UK Meds Ventolin Subscriptions

    Do UK Meds have a Ventolin (Salbutamol) subscription?

    Yes, UK Meds provides Ventolin (salbutamol) online which is available to purchase on a subscription basis. Ventolin inhalers are one of the most popular medications for asthma and COPD management. When you purchase Ventolin on a subscription from UK Meds, you will be signed up for UK Meds Plus. UK Meds Plus is our new way of providing subscriptions and gets you money off your medication, priority customer service, discounted delivery and more. 

    How much do UK Meds charge for a Ventolin (Salbutamol) subscription?

    Our prices at UK Meds are consistently amongst the best you will find anywhere. We are always working to provide you with the best price possible. At the time of writing, you are able to purchase Ventolin on a subscription basis from UK Meds for as little as £8.10* per inhaler. This price is cheaper than when you complete a one-time purchase, as inhalers start from £9.00* per inhaler.

    What are the benefits of a Ventolin (Salbutamol) subscription at UK Meds?

    There are a number of benefits that you can make the most of when you take out a subscription with UK Meds Plus for Ventolin and other products. Here are the main benefits of purchasing your medication on a subscription basis: 

    • Save money: Purchasing your medication on a subscription will help you to save money both in the short and long term.

    • Get the meds you need, when you need them: Choose how often you receive your medication by tailoring the service to suit you.

    • Stay in control of your own health: Stay in control of your medication. Get them when you need them, cancel your subscription at any time, and receive priority access to our customer service team. 

    Do I have to buy Ventolin (Salbutamol) on subscription at UK Meds?

    No, you can purchase Ventolin (salbutamol) inhalers from UK Meds not on a subscription basis. You can purchase all of the products we offer subscriptions on as a one-time purchase. At UK Meds, we have a massive variety of medications and other products available to buy on a one-time purchase. 

    Are other asthma medications available at UK Meds?

    Yes, at UK Meds, we have a wide variety of asthma medications that are available to purchase online, a lot of which are available to purchase on a subscription basis. Here are some of the most popular asthma medications that you can purchase on a subscription basis from UK Meds:

    Daily Chemist Ventolin (Salbutamol) Subscriptions

    Does Daily Chemist have a Ventolin (Salbutamol) subscription?

    Yes, Daily Chemist, like UK Meds, provides Ventolin (salbutamol) on a subscription basis. Unlike UK Meds, you can only purchase one strength (100mcg) of Ventolin from Daily Chemist on a subscription. At UK Meds, you can purchase two strengths of Ventolin on subscription. These are 100mcg and 200mcg. 

    How much is a Daily Chemist Ventolin (Salbutamol) subscription?

    As with all other products, prices can vary over time. At the time of writing, the prices of buying a Ventolin subscription are as follows*:

    • One 100mcg Ventolin Evohaler

    • One-time purchase: £8.99

    • Subscription: Every month - £7.64, every 2 months - £8.09, every 3 months - £8.54

    • Two 100mcg Ventolin Evohaler

    • One-time purchase: £18.99

    • Subscription: Every month - £16.14, every 2 months - £17.09, every 3 months - £18.04

    • 3 100mcg Ventolin Evohaler

    • One-time purchase: £27.99

    • Subscription: Every month - £23.79, every 2 months - £25.19, every 3 months - £26.59

    Is UK Meds cheaper than a Daily Chemist Ventolin (Salbutamol) subscription?


    UK Meds Ventolin Subscription

    Daily Chemist Ventolin Subscription

    Strengths100mcg, 200mcg100mcg
    Frequency1, 2, 3 months1, 2, 3 months

    *Please note that all prices mentioned are subject to change.


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