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    Sexual Health
    Updated at: August 30, 20248 min read

    Is Sex Healthy For You?

    Sex is a part of everyday adult life. Many people have healthy sex lives, whether it be in a couple or just as a single person. Away from just reproduction, sex is also pleasurable, so it can be easy to think that something pleasurable is not actually beneficial to your health. But, are there actually any health benefits to sexual intercourse?

    Key Takeaways

    Health Benefits of Sex:

    Sex offers numerous health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, strengthening muscles, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes, improving sleep quality, fostering closer relationships through the release of the hormone oxytocin, reducing anxiety, and boosting overall mood with hormones like serotonin.

    Frequency for Benefits:

    Having sex once a week can provide mental health benefits and some physical benefits, such as improved heart health, but it is not equivalent to a gym workout in terms of fitness benefits.

    Boosting Sexual Performance:

    Various products, such as Powerect Cream and Skins Performance Rings, can enhance sexual performance. Prescription medications for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are also available. Always practice safe sex and consult a doctor for advice on suitable treatments.

    Is sex healthy for you?

    Surprisingly, there are many different health benefits that sex can provide to you. Whilst it is not exactly going to get you ripped and it is not going to get you ready to run a marathon, regular sexual intercourse is going to provide you with some amazing benefits. In this article, we will outline the health benefits of sex as well as how much sex you will need to have to notice a difference. We will also mention some different ways that you can help to boost your sexual performance, not just for your confidence, but also to experience even greater health benefits.

    What are the health benefits of sex?

    There are many different health benefits that you can attain from having sex, so many in fact that they need to be split into separate sections in order to cover them properly. There are both physical and mental health benefits to intercourse. These include:

    A man and a woman under the bed sheets putting their hands together to form a love heart shape

    Physical Benefits

    Lowering Blood Pressure

    When you have sex, you may be helping to reduce your blood pressure. Several studies, such as Liu et al (2016), have been conducted that showed a link between having sex and a reduction in blood pressure.

    ..our general hypothesis is that: people who are sexually active with a partner will have lower cardiovascular risk than people who are sexually inactive, with stronger effects for men than for women.

    Liu et al (2016)

    Penetrative sex in particular, as opposed to activities such as oral sex or masturbation, is the main link between a reduction in blood pressure and sex (WebMD, 2024). 

    “One landmark study found that sexual intercourse specifically (not masturbation) lowered systolic blood pressure.”

    Joseph J. Pinzone, MD (CEO and medical director - Amai Wellness)

    Strengthening Muscles

    Almost any form of physical activity will work different sets of muscles in the body. Sexual activity is no different. Whether you are a smooth mover in the bedroom or whether you are an acrobat between the sheets, your muscles will be getting a workout as you go. Whilst muscles are still being worked, you will not quite get your pump on like you would in a gym, unless you are practising sexual techniques that would be more commonly seen in Cirque du Soleil. It's your pelvic floor muscles that will get the best workout (WebMD, 2024).

    Reducing Risk of Heart Attacks

    Sex, whether it is particularly active or not, is a good cardiovascular workout. Exercising this system can promote marginally better heart health, and could lead to a reduced risk of heart attacks (Curtis, L.; 2022).

    This study of 495 heart attack patients reported that having sex at least 52 times a year/weekly was associated with a marginal 10% drop in heart disease mortality

    Curtis, L. (2022)

    Reducing Risk of Stroke

    As with the link between sex and heart health, there is also a link that can be drawn between sexual activity and a reduction in the risk of sudden death. The act of sex itself is unlikely to cause a stroke (University of Bristol, 2022).

    Middle aged men should be heartened to know that frequent sex is not likely to increase their risk of stroke, and may actually reduce the risk of sudden death, suggests research in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

    Sexual intercourse and risk of ischaemic stroke and coronary heart disease: the Caerphilly study 2002; 56:99-102

    A stroke is caused by having a blocked artery, or a burst or leaking blood vessel in the brain. Sex is can be marginally beneficial for preventing strokes. 

    Mental Health Benefits

    Improved Sleep

    Due to the hormones released during sex, as well as the physical exertion that is required to have full intercourse, you will often experience an increase in not just the quality of your sleep, but also how easy you find it is to fall asleep (Sleep Foundation, 2024).

    Sexual health can include far-reaching aspects of sex and sexuality. Improved sexual health, including regular, satisfying sex, can boost your wellness and may facilitate better sleep.

    Sleep Foundation (2024)

    Following intercourse, many people will find that they become tired and could easily fall asleep, this is due to the hormones released during intercourse and orgasms. 

    Closer Relationships

    Often, people will find that their relationships will be a lot closer after having sex (Zhang & Liu, 2020). It would be naive to suggest that all sex is between people in fully-fledged relationships, and most casual sex will be on a one-night basis. Whilst this kind of sex does not result in a relationship, sex between couples does.

    Empirical studies have shown that higher frequency of sexual interaction with a partner was linked to better marital quality (Galinsky & Waite, 2014), improved relationship closeness (Basson, 2001) and reduced relationship strain within couples (Orr, Layte, & O’Leary2019)

    Zhang & Liu (2020)

    A hormone known as Oxytocin is released when someone has an orgasm (Cera et al, 2021).

    Most of the studies found higher levels of oxytocin during the orgasm or ejaculation.

    Cera et al (2021)

    This hormone is known to be prominent during childbirth and helps an initial bond to be formed between mother and child. Oxytocin is also known as the ‘love hormone.’

    Reducing Anxiety

    Many people around the world may experience feelings of anxiety. In recent years, the topic of stress and anxiety, and mental health in general, has become more openly discussed. For lots of people, anxiety will be based on physical dislikes about themselves. When someone has sex, they are showing a physical attraction to the other person.

    Sex can relieve stress and anxiety by triggering the release of "feel good" hormones, including oxytocin. These hormones promote relaxation and can help reduce feelings of anxiety.

    Sex not only boosts your hormones and other brain chemicals—but it also reduces levels of stress hormones. 

    Elizabeth Scott, PhD

    This can go a long way in boosting someone's self-confidence, and thus reducing their anxieties and overall stress (Verywell Mind, 2023). 

    General Mood Boosts

    Many different hormones are released during both intercourse and orgasm. As we previously mentioned, the ‘love hormone’ Oxytocin is released during orgasm, but we also receive a kick from the mood-boosting hormone Serotonin. Serotonin is released during sex and is also one of the main hormones that control sexual attraction (Healthline, 2022).

    How often will you need to have sex to notice a physical benefit?

    In a 2017 study by Twenge et al  conducted by the Archive of Sexual Behaviour, it found that couples in ‘healthy’ relationships had sex on average 54 times a year. That is around once a week. For married couples, the number of times was around 51 times a year. So, will having sex once a week make you healthier?

    A man and a woman planking next to each other

    Unfortunately, probably not. As sex does not provide you with the same level of health benefits as say a gym session, having intercourse once a week will not provide you with any major noticeable benefits. However, you will be benefiting from the mental health benefits and some of the physical benefits such as heart health.

    How can you boost sexual performance?

    On average, it will take a man between 5.4 minutes from penetration to ejaculation during full penetrative sex.

    There are many different products out there that can help with sexual performance. Products such as Powerect Cream and Skins Performance Rings can both aid sexual performance. There are also various prescription ED medications and premature ejaculation medications available if you have any sexual health issues. Speak to your doctor for medical advice on which treatments could be safe and effective for you.

    Practice Safe Sex

    You should also always look to practice safe sex, no matter how often you will be having it. Use appropriate protection, such as condoms, lubricants and fun sex toys to enhance your sexual pleasure!

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